Friday, March 6, 2020

Somme essays

Somme essays Conflicts occur everywhere in the world. The war in Iraq is one example of conflict between the people of Iraq and Americans. Many innocent lives are lost. World War One is a very big conflict between the countries of Europe. There are many battles of World War One. A very important battle is the Battle of Somme. In this battle, there are goals of the Entente, roles for Canadians, a few events, and a lesson for the Germans, French, and British. During the Battle of Somme, there are many goals and objectives of the Canadian and Allied troops. In 1916, the Germans fight hard with the French at Verdun. To take the pressure off Verdun, Sir Douglas Haig, the new British commander, wants to destroy the German lines. Somme is chosen for the joint French and British assault. The secondary aim is to gain more territory. In order to achieve the goals of the Allied troops, Haig decides for an eight day preliminary bombardment that he thinks will completely destroy the German forward defences. (Simkin) Sir Douglas Haigs strategy is to exhaust the Germans, so he continues to attack, expecting to achieve possession of the German front lines. After the capture of the German lines, the British plan to break the German line in two. Although Haig is sure that his plan will work, the battles of the Allied and Canadian troops are poorly planned, therefore, they are unsuccessful in attaining their objectives. Canada has a big role in the Battle of Somme. The 1st Newfoundland Regiment is one of the four battalions of the 29th British Divisions 88th Brigade. The Newfoundland Regiment arrives in the France line on April 22, 1916. The regiment is given a role with the second attacking wave, since the first wave fails. On July 1, 1916, the soldiers walk across No Mans Land carrying backpacks weighing about thirty kilograms. They are also told to go through a gap in the barbed wire. The ...

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