Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Discuss the different eras of resistance kinship relationships to Essay

Discuss the different eras of resistance kinship relationships to Aboriginal people - Essay Example Aboriginals are more found in Australia, India, Africa etc. they are different in the patterns of dressing, adoring, intake of food and medicinal practices. They have been different in various eras like primitive society, agricultural society, industrial society and post modern society. Kinship is the main objective of the sociologists since it is the basic factor in the organization of the society. They focus on the history of kinship irrespective of nation, state and geographical area. â€Å"Kinship systems establish relationships between individuals and groups on the model of biological relationships between parents and children, between siblings, and between marital partners.† (Kinship: a dictionary of sociology, 1998). But some theorists are on the view that the relationship between wife and husband through which they are related by marriage do not include in the category of kinship. They tell that this relationship is called as affinal relationship. But some other theorists say that the biological relationship is not necessary to determine kinship because some children have social father who takes the responsibility of them and therefore kinship must be established on account of social fathers. When we think about kinship the entire influential factors must be considered like the way of relationship, cultural and political background, economic status etc. There are two theories which emerged in the second half of the twentieth century and they are alliance theory and descent theory. Descent theory stresses that the role of kinship system is to understand political entities of the lineage group in the history. When descent theory gives more importance on the descent and succession, alliance theory emphasizes on the marriage. â€Å"Ernest L Schusky has given the following types of kinship.† (Joshi 1999, p.109). First type of kinship is consanguineal kinship which means the relation by blood like parent child

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