Tuesday, November 19, 2019

How will social media help reduce crime in london Essay

How will social media help reduce crime in london - Essay Example Through the media, effectiveness of cutting down crime rate to manageable rate is possible and it not only influences the measures that can work out for proper crime management but also it influences the architectural design involved in fighting crime. There are reasons why the local crime rate in London has been on the rise. These factors include unemployment, struggling with difficult background, psychological disorders, and decrease of social capital. In the case of unemployment, many middle-aged youths would remain idle (Muncie 2004, p.110). Due to this reason, their energies end up being directed to the wrong side of involvement like robbery, street gagging, and turn into arsonists as well (Weiner 2013, p. 88). The media can help to highlight the plight of these people by shedding some light to the government as this can help in yielding a follow up. If any positive response comes by to meet the highlighted plight of unemployment, this can as well help to cool down crime partici pation since many of the wrong doers would involve themselves in an activity (Ceccato 2012, p. 72). This same case with someone faces and still struggles with difficult backgrounds. With no signs of fortune crossing by, someone may engage in crime activity to make his ends meet. If the social media can come in place to air always such grieving circumstances, there would definitely be some awareness. This might prompt the relevant agencies to advance in order to find solutions to such personnel’s in such background. Psychological disorders and decrease of social capital substitute trigger the birth of social crimes. All these, once publicized in advance, and relevant measure taken in good will, the crime rate would stifle down as well (Ceccato 2012, p. 90). This shows that the social can largely take a bigger proportion in reducing crime rates in the centrally located towns of London. This means that social media apply even in measures like a neighborhood watch, punishment, po lice patrol and CCTV cameras that might come into use in order to tame down the crime rate. As much as the media would help to reduce the rate of crime rate in London, this incorporation faces some challenges. For example, with the media pictographic mapping of crime rate already showing the zones of high crime rate, what happens on the paper, reported on television through graphics may not be the real capturing of the intensity of the crime at that place (Wykes 2001, p. 124). In most of the cases, disregarding of the media and crime happens without their knowledge denies them the opportunity to uncover the real issues. This may come as an overt challenge in involving media to reduce the crime rate. Lack of modern gadgets by police in terms of technology denies them the capability to deal with imminent threats of crime within London zones (Brownsword & Goodwin 2012, p. 102). Take for example, a bandit who runs loose after committing a crime and frequently checks on twitter or Facebo ok and no one of the police investigators are aware of his technological odysseys. This lack of knowledge on existing social media outlets one can use might not help in reducing crime in London. The same would apply if the law enforcement officers would make use of the social media networks (Ceccato 2012, p. 87). This would greatly provide follow-ins of criminals and clear statistics on the intensity of crime within London. In this metropolitan city of London, the media has

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