Thursday, October 31, 2019
George Frideric Handel Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
George Frideric Handel - Term Paper Example The boy who would later become a renowned musician was born on 23rd February 1685 (Schoelcher 2). He exhibited ardent interest in music from an early age, although his father objected to his determination to pursue music. Handel’s father conformed to the societal opinion during that time. The people of the 17th and 18th century viewed music as a hobby undeserving of been considering a career. People who exhibited too much passion in hobbies earned a negative reputation in the society. The majority of people sought to have a high profile career, explaining why Handel’s father wanted his son to pursue law, which had a higher societal regard. However, despite this resistance from his father, he strived to learn the organ and the clavichord. His mother helped him in discretion, offering him the clavichord. He learned these organs on his own and made good progress. On one occasion, a duke recognized that he had a talent in music after hearing him playing the organ, and took the initiative of pleading his father. The duke’s efforts bore fruit and Handel’s father allowed him to register for music classes. Handel encountered Zacchau as his first music teacher at the Lutheran church in his hometown when he was eight years old. Through the instruction of Zacchau, he registered fast progress in his musical career, such that at 11, he was excelling in playing the harpsichord, violin, and the organ. Moreover, he gained exemplary skills in composition, harmony, and the counterpoint. At this point, Handel’s father exhibited the conviction that his son had acquired sufficient skills in music, and wanted to bring the music classes to a halt. However, when he got home, his father died a factor that compelled him to pursue the wishes of his father and spend the years that followed studying in order to fulfill his father’s wishes. During this time, he also embarked on enhancing his music knowledge by working with the church by playing the organ and cantatas writing. On attaining the age of 18, he decided to pursue music as his career, with an ardent determination to advance his musical skills. After making that decision in his life, he relocated to Hamburg in Germany (Rockstro 65). Handel’s Musical Career When Handel moved to Hamburg, he had made his determination to nurture his talent, and impact the music industry in a diverse way. Hamburg had earned a name as a renowned center in opera music (Mainwaring 44). This attribute attracted the talented Handel to Hamburg. On arrival, he landed a job in an opera house that was very popular in the city to take the role of playing the violin. Handel proved aggressive by seizing every opportunity to exhibit his talent in the playing other instruments such as the harpsichord. For example, he seized the opportunity presented by the absence of a musician to exhibit his talent in playing the harpsichord. Moreover, he established an acquaintance with Johann Mattheson who wa s four years older. Johann Mattheson demonstrated exemplary talent in composition, singing, and defining music theories. Apparently, Handel was hot-tempered, and he was involved in an ugly argument with Mattheson concerning of the operas by Mattheson (Parker 66). That argument compromised their working relationship, and the two no longer worked together. After spending some time in Hamburg, he gained popularity that appealed the prince of Italy, who invited him to Italy. He
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Supermarket Company Strategic Analysis Assignment
Supermarket Company Strategic Analysis - Assignment Example The report below provides an insight into the supermarket company, Tesco, with emphasis on its external environment analysis and company's analysis of resources, competence and culture. Two future strategic options are suggested in regards to the resources based strategies. Tesco is one of the largest food retailers in the world, operating around 2,318 stores and employing over 326,000 people. It provides online services through its subsidiary, The UK is the company's largest market, where it operates under four banners of Extra, Superstore, Metro and Express. The company sells almost 40,000 food products, including clothing and other non-food lines. The company's own-label products (50 percent of sales) are at three levels, value, normal and finest. As well as convenience produce, many stores have gas stations, becoming one of Britain's largest independent petrol retailers. Other retailing services offered include Tesco Personal Finance. Operating in a globalised environment with stores around the globe, Tesco's performance is highly influenced by the political and legislative conditions of these countries, including the European Union (EU). For employment legislations, the government encourages retailers to provide a mix of job opportunities from flexible, lower-paid and locally-based jobs to highly-skilled, higher-paid and centrally-located jobs (Finch, 2005). Also to meet the demand from population segments such as students, working parents and senior citizens. Tesco understands that retailing has a great impact on jobs and people factors (new store developments are often seen as destroying other jobs in the retail sector as traditional stores go out of business or are forced to cut costs to compete), being an essentially local and labour-intensive sector. Tesco employs large numbers of; student, disabled and elderly workers, often paying them lower rates. In an industry with a typically high staff turnover, these workers offer a higher level of loyalty and therefore represent desirable candidates. Economical Factors Economic factors are of concern to Tesco, because they are likely to influence demand, costs, prices and profits. One of the most influential factors on the economy is high unemployment levels, which decreases the effective demand for many goods, adversely affecting the demand required to produce such goods. These economic factors are largely outside the control of the company, but their effects on performance and the marketing mix can be profound. Although international business is still growing (Appendix A), and is expected to contribute greater amounts to Tesco's profits over the next few years, the company is still highly dependent on the UK market. Hence, Tesco would be badly affected by any setback in the UK food market and are out in the open to market concentration risks. Social/Cultural Factors Current trends indicate that British customers have moved towards 'one-stop' and 'bulk' shopping, which is due to a variety of changes in social trends. Tesco have, therefore, increased the amount of non-food items available for sale. Demographic changes such as the aging population, an increase in female workers and a decline in home meal preparation mean that UK retailers are also focusing on
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Strategy for Innovation and Development in Latin America
Strategy for Innovation and Development in Latin America Fernando Vela ABSTRACT Latin America has grades development opportunities due to its great natural wealth. The universities are a fundamental part of this development because they are encouraging their students to develop their capacity for innovation. The universities are creating a series of programs to help the innovation and development of Latin America. These programs are based on the relationships that exist between different universities, so they can share ideas and innovation and development projects. It is also based on reference the model for the University Social Responsibility in explaining the 4 key points for the development and the innovation. This will help improve the economy in Latin America. INTRODUCTION Mark Twain says: A man with a new idea is a crazy until the idea triumphs. Latin America is a characterized as one of the regions of the world with greater opportunities for growth and development. Latin America has opportunities for growth and the universities are the key to this growth. Those countries that it makes up are rich in resources natural and talented human. However, in its population there are great contrasts in the distribution of wealth. For this reason, there is still poverty in Latin America. Â Countries that make up Latin America have sufficient natural riches and to face the future with optimism. Universities are a key part of the momentum of the entrepreneurial activity in Latin America. It is a source of knowledge for their students and the society, has a positive influence in these. One of the ways in which universities have extended their contributions in the field of entrepreneurship, is through the creation of networks taking into account the model for the university social responsibility. In Latin America the majority of universities seek to give students an education with innovative skills. For this reason, the students develop their creative capacities and seek solutions to problems that exist in Latin America. This is the only way in which students can help the development and entrepreneurship in Latin America, because it began to create new sources of employment and help that every country that makes up Latin America continue proceeding. Countries of Latin America with higher and lower index of innovation In Latin America there are countries that have an index very high of developments in the last time. It is the case of Colombia and Chile. In the past few years, Chile has been growing in the topic of innovation, ecosystems and mainly in the undertaking. Start-Up Chile was the beginning of a revolution in this area, since developed a great program that was not limited to the local. But this does not stop there, until in the south, in their universities, is planning to develop and enhance dynamic entrepreneurship (Andrade, 2015) Colombia ranks fourth in the list of countries with the highest number of innovative entrepreneurship in initial phase, behind Chile. Colombia has conditions such as a high activity of enterprises in the early phase, a significant percentage of innovation and ambition of growth of young companies. Colombia shows a high rate of entrepreneurship and a large proportion of them are innovative and with the ambition to grow. A large number of entrepreneurs is introducing products or services in the Colombian market, which before were not available and that is good. (Kelley, 2015) According to Kelley, both in Chile and Colombia, the only Latin American countries included on the list, people can see entrepreneurship as a way to provide an income when there is not better alternative to the employment. Venezuela suffers an economic crisis due to the low cost of petroleum. This country depended only of oil and for that reason the Venezuelan people is concerned. The development and innovation in this country is the lowest according to a study carried out. This study indicates that due to the crisis that confronts Venezuela companies are deterred from investing in Venezuela. (Pardo, 2014) Universities in Latin America propose a momentum for innovation From a point of view of research, universities such as the Autonomous of Nuevo Leon University conducted several studies that enhance the entrepreneurship and innovation; highlights the study of them different types of strategies of collaboration or bonding and its contribution to the amount of development of projects of research and development technological for improve it management and efficiency in the generation of projects of research and development technological and innovation in organizations. In the case of the Catholic of Uruguay University, there was a strong work for developing entrepreneurship and innovation through education by competences, where through their actions seeks to develop the entrepreneurial spirit of its students support to entrepreneurship of students and graduates to investigate the profile of the Entrepreneur. The Popular autonomous of the State of Puebla University is an institution that also has with a program to promote the entrepreneurship which is plans to from the constructivism and the connectivism, and has as strategy didactic perform projects training and solve problems, form character, develops the auto learning, gives tools of management, is flexible, links to the student until where it decides to, creates environments, networks of collaboration and partnerships. Highlights also the technological of Monterrey, institution that from makes more than thirty years has designed various strategies to foster the culture entrepreneurial through it innovation and the generation of value. This institution has an Institute that aims to ensure that all students develop and strengthen their entrepreneurial spirit, which has worked hard in implementing the following strategies: develop attitudes and entrepreneurial skills; study and propose to advance the State of the art in the field of entrepreneurship; facilitate the creation and development of enterprises for students with interest; positioning and communication; and partnerships and collaboration (Toledo, 2014) Reference the model for the University Social Responsibility Organization. Where it is analyzed as the business school incorporates between its management the themes of innovation and entrepreneurship, teaching with example. Education. Where are reviewed and analyzed the way in which each business school uses techniques and tools and approaches for the formation of the competencies of their students in these topics. Research. In where is identify the areas priority of study and research relevant that impact to your region or community and their forms of disclosure Participation. Where it seeks to have practical results with an impact on the surrounding communities so that in a collaborative effort students and researchers applied in real situations their knowledge and experience, leaving testimony in companies and agencies in the region of successful projects. (Toledo, 2014) CONCLUSION The lack of innovation hinders the creation of jobs. The economic situation in Latin America is such that firms tend to start small and remain small. In the last ten years, Latin America has benefited enormously from the favorable winds of the global economy, enabling you to reduce extreme poverty, improve the equality and catapult to 50 million people to the middle class. However, as these favorable winds are diluted, growth will have to come from within, and the innovation and dynamism will be key for the region can take advantage of the social progress of recent years. Employees in Latin America works for companies many times considered as an engine of development, the entrepreneurial spirit generates jobs and spurs economic growth. While the creation of enterprises in the region is high, companies that survive grow at a much lower rate than their counterparts in other regions. Latin America has a wealth that is not developed by the lack of innovation and entrepreneurship. For this universities are generating more development in Latin America with their innovation projects. References Andrade, M. (2015, JUNIO 1). LA TERCERA . Retrieved from LA TERCERA: Kelley, D. (2015, enero 21). Ejecutiva. Retrieved from Ejecutiva: Pardo, D. (2014, NOVIEMBRE 18). BBC WORLD. Retrieved from BBC MUNDO : Toledo, L. A. (2014). Innovation and entrepreneurship in the light of the Latin American context . LIMA: CLADEA.
Friday, October 25, 2019
The Dystopian Future of William Gibsons Neuromancer Essays -- Neuroma
The Dystopian Future of Neuromancer In reading a text like this one can look at it through the formalistic approach and gather aspects on different perspectives. In HCAL it instructs a reader to analyze a specific text by seeing the setting, certain styles, imagery, form, and texture. In William Gibsons book Neuromancer all these approaches can be seen. The novel takes place in the future and how Gibson portrays it will be. Every place is dark and gloomy with an illusion of dystopia; despair and unhappiness. Gibson's structure is very hard to follow, such as how he is repetitive with the description of people and the color pink. Neuromancer, a book that brings the belief of the future to life, speaks of the use of technology and how advanced it will be. Gibson illustrates a place of dystopia, where everything is dark and full of despair. There seems to be no control over people and who they kill. The place were all dystopia occurs is in cyberspace. The opening line seems to be Gibson's way of preparing the reader for what is to come; "The sky above the port was the color of television, tuned to a dead channel."(Gibson 3) Here one sees the imagery that Gibson uses. He begins by bringing death and dismay in to the readers mind. One can picture a television that is black and fuzzy because the channel is not tuned in, the way the sky is. This is nothing like our sky; blue and bright. Rather like that of a gloomy rainy day, black and not appealing. Further in the book Gibson talks where the people live and sleep, places called "coffins." He describes the coffin's size, "the r... ...epetition of the color pink to describe things, brings a sort of humanistic quality into the work. It makes one see that all though the characters in the story are living in cyberspace, they do have human qualities. To approach this book from all these angels brings a new outcome of the novel. Gibson sets up the book from the beginning with the scene of dystopia, and continues it throughout the entirety of the novel. The greatest image of dystopia I found in this novel, was all the deaths that occur without a second thought about it. Using the formalistic approach to pick out these certain images in the novel, helps the reader see what exactly is going on. With the words that Gibson uses puts a pictured image in the readers mind as they go along; the image of DYSTOPIA.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Position of the leader Essay
In every team endeavor someone formally or informally takes the position of the leader. A leader keeps track of all the team activities and has a deciding effect on the workings of the team. He has to care not only about the work but also its speed of execution. As team is composed of people, this means he has to get the work done with the people and as always observed; people work when they have some motivation to do so. Motivation is the key to how people react to a particular work or situation. A good leader very well knows what is the motivation behind each of his team member’s work and uses it for the maximum benefit of the team. Some of my motivations are holidays and spending time on my hobbies. I am also motivated by being a part of process of some positive change and also if I get chance to work with small, relaxed, honest people. These form the major crunch of my motivation. I believe that things that motivate me will very well motivate others also. I find the theory Y approach1 useful. In it the workers are assumed to be happy with their job and use their creativity and imagination to make decision and to solve problems. These set of people will tackle problem themselves as far as possible and remain satisfied with their work because this gives them opportunity to do the work as they like. Of course, some people fall in the theory X category, I prefer to throw out such people and if that’s not possible try to turn them to Y side. Also I find the ‘Maslow’s hierarchy of needs’2 quite useful. He mentions that everyone is motivated by his needs but once his needs are met, He isn’t satisfied instead it is taken over by another higher need. A leader has to take care of the needs of where his people are in this hierarchy. References: 1 Douglas McGregor (1960). ‘The Human Side of Enterprise’. McGraw Hill 2 ‘A Theory of Human Motivation’ Psychological Review 50, pp 370-396
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
The Similarity of the Husband in “Cat in The Rain” and “Hills Like White Elephants”
Ernest Hemingway’s â€Å"Cat in the Rain†and â€Å"Hills Like White Elephants†describe a theme of difference between husband’s desires and wife’s desires. Both stories have the same conflict about an inconsiderate husband who always ignores his wife’s desire. The husband is not a family man.He indirectly shows that he doesn’t enjoy being with his wife and children. The male characters of Ernest Hemingway emerge as having similarities in their characters and their attitudes with their wives. For the first similarity, both husbands are identical to their inconsiderate characters. The husbands lack of attention to their wife.The American husband, George, in â€Å"Cat in the Rain†is an unresponsive person. He always takes more interest in his books than his wife. In the end of the story, the man doesn’t listen to his wife and keeps reading his book.His wife expresses many desires, for example, she wants a cat which has a s ymbol of a child and wants to eat at the table with silver spoon and candle that means she want to be a house wife. George doesn’t pay attention what his wife wants. For example, when the woman wants to grow out her hair, which symbolizes femininity, he responds, â€Å"I think you look pretty darn nice.†He directly speaks to her in an irritated way. â€Å"Shut up and get something to read†, George says when she wants the cat in the rain. Similar to George, the American husband, in â€Å"Hills Like White Elephants†, is insensitive to his wife and his baby. He says that â€Å"it’s just to let the air in. †His speech hints that he doesn’t want to have a baby.The American husband wants his wife to abort because he thinks that the unborn baby is a big obstacle for the couple’s happiness. The American husband gives his wife a cold look and doesn’t care about whatever his wife wants or talks.Furthermore, both the male characte rs lack fatherhood. While George ignores to have a baby, the American husband hints at his wife to have an abortion. The second resemblance of two male characters is that they have the same attitudes of married life towards their wives.The two husbands don’t want to settle down and don’t want to start to have a quitter way of life. In â€Å"Hills Like White Elephants†, the American husband indirectly doesn’t want to live in one place while his wife wishes to have a warm family and a child.Because of different married attitudes, their marriage’s life leads to future separation. In â€Å"Hills Like White Elephant†, the American husband â€Å"waits reasonably†for the train, which suggests us that the couple maybe brake up and go separate way.George and the American husband can’t get along with their wife. Although they don’t make a terrible quarrel, they are dissatisfied and will break up with each other someday. Moreov er, their relationship is about lack of freedom of the woman’s desires. In â€Å"Cat in the Rain†, George hardly listen to his wife and doesn’t care for her materialistic wants.Because he doesn’t want her to get what she wants, he probably thinks that he is the leader of their relationship and has more power than his wife. To resemble in â€Å"Hills Like White Elephant†, we obviously notice that the American husband tries to control his wife by hinting her to abort.The American husband may thinks that he can control anything. He also acts as if he is more knowledgeable and worldly than his wife. The similarities of the male characters in Ernest Hemingway’s fictions, the writer wants to show us about disagreement of the couple’s desires. Two male characters, George and the American husband, are unfeeling to their wife.They virtually don’t concern whatever their wives’ urge and want. Although two females indirectly express their desires that they want to have a baby, two husbands always pay no attention to their wife’s need.The men also has no the state of being a father, especially the American husband who circuitously tells his wife to have an abortion. Furthermore, two husbands have a rough relationship with their wife. The couple’s relationship shows us that they are about to separate because they are contrary to each other’s need. The husbands also try to decrease freedom of their wife by controlling their wife what they want her to do and to be.
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